A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Shortly after graduating from teacher school, you're offered your first proper job as a fill-in teacher at Frederick High School. Eager to start (and desperate for cash) you sign the contract, unknowingly locking yourself into a room of hell. 


  • Complete different tasks before the school day is over. The better you perform the more you'll be paid.
  • The students in the class aren't always on their best behaviour. Keep an eye on them to avoid getting embarrassed.


Made this game a while ago. I think its kinda fun. I wanna make it better. Lemmino your tHoUgHtS!!


Teacher_Game_0.0.3 (PC).zip 37 MB
Teacher_Game_0.0.3_ANDROID.apk 43 MB

Install instructions

PC version (Recommended):

  1. Download PC build of the game
  2. Extract the files from the downloaded ZIP folder
  3. In the new extracted files open the application "Teacher Game v3 Prototype.exe"
  4. If prompted by firewall, click the "I trust this application" or similar button

Android Mobile version:

  1. On your phone, download the APK build of the game
  2. Find the downloaded file on your phone and open it
  3. If your phone asks if you want to download the app, press the 'Yes' button
  4. If your phone gives a warning about this application being from an unknown developer, press the 'more details' button, then press 'I trust this application' or similar button


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I'm not really sure why this was tagged "Idle", it's a fairly active kind of game. I played through the first (and only) level, and it's pretty fun though!

thanks for playin man. Glad to see you enjoyed it. I dont know why i added the idle tag either, i think i was tired. If I spend more time on the game I'll add more levels but it does mean the title and description are a little missleading at the moment.